Photos From a trip I took to Jordan, December, 2024.
From a trip I took in the Winter of 2024.
Photos from a walk-about in San Cristobal De Las Casas, Mexico.
Photos from Northern Baja. I stayed in a nearly abandoned motel with a former outlaw. We took many trips throughout the region in his trusty Toyota Tacoma, “La Poderosa.”
An action packed trip to Panama, in August of 2022.
Photos from a roadtrip in Central and Northern Mexico, 2022.
Costa Rica, 2024.
Zincantan, Chiapas, Mexico.
Photos from 2017 during a wedding I was shooting in Tuscany, Italy.
Photos from time I spent hitchhiking across Baja, Mexico. From Tijuana to Cabo San Lucas.
The first night there I convinced the security at a remote hotel to let me into the area outside to shoot the wildest Milky Way I have ever seen.
Detroit is my home. It is also where my passion for photography took hold. Since a friend gave me a camera over 10 years ago, this is where my affinity with photos matured.
A much relieving ride with a fellow traveller, that helped me find my legs after a rough few days of hitchhiking.
This was one of my favorite trips I have had the luck to be a part of. Peru is remarkable, full of cultural texture, layered history, and incredible people.
A brief trip to Colombia. I spent some time training in bogota to get used to the altitude. There were a good deal of alpine adventures coming up in the next few weeks. I was briefly in Medellin and Guatape as well. Where I spent days zipping around on “moto-chivas.” The ubiquitous motorcycle borne cart that zip you swiftly around your location.
A few snaps from a trip to Guatemala in 2023. We climbed up to see the active volcano Acatenango, the clouds took away our nighttime viewing aspiration, but the morning view was stunning.
During this trip I learned an unfortunate lesson in limits. Weeks prior I wrecked my road-bicycle going rather fast, and came away with some serious injuries. A torn rotator-cuff, broken nerves in one arm, separated ribs, and stitch-worthy gashes were what I came away with.
I pushed myself beyond what my injuries could handle and following the climb I experienced one of those physical shut downs when your body tells you to stop. The last 3 days of the trip I spent in a hostel by Lake Atitlan, in nothing short of forced-recovery.
I am still healing from those injuries, and that last jaunt to Guatemala reminded me to respect my body’s needs,
In 2021, after photographing a great deal of civil unrest, I went to Tijuana to take pictures during a particularly wild news cycle. My curiosity peaked, and I found a woman on the California side of the border who had worked in the migrant camp. Before I walked across the border, she “saged” me, and I can’t say it didn’t work.
She connected me with the camp leaders and they allowed me to spend a few days there shooting photos. It coincided with “El Dia De Los Ninos” a national holiday celebrating children in Mexico.
The camp was full of kids, and it was a pleasure to spend time running around with them. The experience in Tijuana left me ponderous and in need of an adventure. From there I would take off on 42 day hitchhiking trip across the entirety of the Baja Peninsula.
After 40 some days traveling solo across Baja, Mexico, I arrived in Cabo San Lucas. It was a good end to unforgettable journey.
On my last evening there, after a few days of lingering by the docks I decided to get in there and haggle my way onto a sunset boat ride.
When you approach the docks you are accosted by would-be-captains, alongside every other form of hustle. I started chatting with a younger kid, turns out his dad owns the boat and him and his buddies would take me out. We negotiated a solid price, and Capitan Jesus and his buddies were ready to have some fun.
Mt. Solmar, which is the highest point in Cabo San Lucas, and it also marks the end of the road in Baja. After 40+ days of traveling across Baja, I made it to the last bit of “terra firma.”
It made for a fitting end to an epic adventure.
Enrique, the guide, and dog rescue owner, is the guy. The trailhead is directly on his property, and over the years he has made it a job. For a few pesos, himself and a phalanx of dogs will lead you to the summit.
The Carpet House. A jazz party that goes down on Detroit’s east side during the favorable months.