A few snaps from a trip to Guatemala in 2023. We climbed up to see the active volcano Acatenango, the clouds took away our nighttime viewing aspiration, but the morning view was stunning.
During this trip I learned an unfortunate lesson in limits. Weeks prior I wrecked my road-bicycle going rather fast, and came away with some serious injuries. A torn rotator-cuff, broken nerves in one arm, separated ribs, and stitch-worthy gashes were what I came away with.
I pushed myself beyond what my injuries could handle and following the climb I experienced one of those physical shut downs when your body tells you to stop. The last 3 days of the trip I spent in a hostel by Lake Atitlan, in nothing short of forced-recovery.
I am still healing from those injuries, and that last jaunt to Guatemala reminded me to respect my body’s needs,